As Catholics, we remember that Jesus taught us whoever receives a child in the name of
Jesus receives Christ himself. At St. Clare of Assisi we are thankful for the blessing of children
in our midst and seek to confirm the lively sense of joy in God’s presence with them. To build
relationship with God and nourish children in their faith, as well as support their parents, St.
Clare of Assisi offers the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS), developed by Dr. Sofia Cavelletti and Gianna
Gobbi, is a Montessori-based religious formation program rooted in the Bible and the Liturgy.
It seeks to create and facilitate a sacred, “hands-on” space for children called an Atrium, in
which both the children and the catechists can hear, ponder, and celebrate the most essential
mysteries of the Christian faith as revealed in the scriptures and the liturgy.
The Atrium contains simple, yet beautiful, handmade catechetical materials that are age
and developmentally appropriate. These “works” are presented to the children in a
contemplative way as they visit the Atrium each week. The children are then able to work
with the materials as they ponder scripture, parts of the mass, and Catholic traditions more
deeply. The Atrium is a place in which the only Teacher is Christ; both children and adults
place themselves in a listening stance before his Word and seek to penetrate the mystery of
the liturgical celebration. It is not a classroom, but rather a place of prayer and community, in
which work and study spontaneously become meditation, contemplation, and prayer. Most
importantly, it is a place for children to deepen their relationship with Jesus, Our Good Shepherd.
CGS fulfills an important part of the curriculum and mission statement for children
enrolled at St. Clare of Assisi because they learn about different aspects of the liturgy and
scripture in a way that cultivates their relationship with God, creating a more visible faith
community. The themes presented in the Atrium are those to which the children have
responded with depth and joy. These themes that are taken from the Bible and the liturgy
(prayers and sacraments) are the fundamental sources for creating and sustaining Christian
life at every developmental stage and, in particular, for illuminating and nourishing the child
in his/her most vital religious needs. The spirituality that is nourished in the Atrium
environment has the potential to permeate the entire school community, as well as assist the
family in living their faith more authentically at home. Learn more at
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