New to the parish and looking to get involved? Maybe you have been around for years and just now have some free time to start serving St. Clare. No matter the reason we are happy to have you on our team!
Below you will find how we have broken up our ministries according to where they fall in our mission. Where do you feel like your gifts would most help?
To invite people to behold Jesus through outreach and evangelization
Marriage Encounter, Welcoming Committee, Special Needs Committee, Card Party, Donut Sunday, Felice Cuores, Fish Fry, Knights, Ladies’ Auxiliary, Men’s Club, Women in Christ, Athletics, Cotillion, Girls on the Run, Scouting, Family Ministry, Hospitality Ministry
To consider Jesus more deeply through ongoing formation in the Catholic Faith
Bible Study – Tuesdays, Bible Study – Wednesday, Bible Study – Thursday, Faith Formation, Marriage Prep, Men’s Fellowship, Men’s White House Retreat, RCIA, Small Faith Group – Friday, Legion of Mary, Confirmation Prep, First Reconciliation & Eucharist, Liturgy of the Word for Children, Youth Ministry, Walking with Purpose
To contemplate Jesus through prayer and worship
Music Ministry, Eucharistic Adoration, Soulcore, Prayer Chain/Request Line, Altar Linens, Art & Environment, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Liturgy Committee, Servers, Sacristans
To imitate Jesus through stewardship and generosity of our time, talent, and treasures in service to other
ACA, Finance, Parish Council, Stewardship, Money Counters, St. Clare Certificate Program, Baking/Food Committee, Baptism Garments, Blood Donor Program, Food Pantry, Funeral Outreach, Neighbors in Service 4 All, Pastoral Care, Pro – Life/Respect Life, St. Patrick Center Outreach, St. Vincent DePaul Society, Job Search, Landscape/Gardening, Mailing Committee, Office Volunteers, Phone Committee