Altar Linens (Laundering):
The persons in this ministry launder and iron the purificators, corporals and hand towels used during Mass.
Contact: Joanne Pavia
Art & Environment:
Help decorate church for holy days and holidays.
Contact: Courtney Dolan
Baptismal Garments:
This group creates the baptismal garments for our infants receiving the sacrament of baptism. Cutting and sewing skills are used in making the garments.
Contact: Mary Zimmerman
Computer Assistance (network/hardware):
Provide basic hardware/network support/consulting/help for our parish
Contact: the Rectory, 636.394.7307
General Maintenance:
(Carpentry, Electrical, Flooring, HVAC, Painting, Plumbing)
Contact: The Rectory, 636.394.7307
Landscaping/Gardening Committee:
Volunteers of all skill levels are always welcome to plant and maintain the gardens at St. Clare. Whether you choose to have your own garden to maintain or just want to assist on major projects, we would enjoy hearing from you.
Contact: Judy Urbas
Mailing Committee:
A group responsible for large parish mailings - and at the same time enjoys the friendship of their fellow parishioners in a happy, relaxed atmosphere.
Contact: Yvonne Morrison
Money Counters:
Persons who volunteer to count the weekly collection. Counting is done on Sunday mornings.
Contact: Mary Thien, 636.394.7307
Office volunteers:
Persons who volunteer to help out in the parish office, answering phones, data entry, clerical, etc.!
Contact: Parish Secretary, 636.394.7307
Phone Committee:
A group of volunteers who are asked to call parishioner for special events or happenings.
Contact: Yvonne Morrison